First 5 Mini-Grant Process
The First 5 Placer Children and Families Commission has made available $200,000 for mini-grants for fiscal years 2020-2023. Projects must support the development of Placer County children ages 0 through 5 - this includes those who care for them.
First 5 Mini-Grant Process
Funding projects up to $20,000
Application due date/time for Round 1: December 18, 2020 5PM PST
First 5 Mini-Grant Information
What is a Mini-Grant?
Mini-grants are small grants made outside of our regular funding cycle. The intent of mini-grant funding is to support innovative/creative approaches and to provide an opportunity to address emergent needs and local, community priorities. Projects must be consistent with the First 5 Placer 2016-2023 Strategic Plan. Please go to www.first5placer.org/about and scroll down the page to view the Strategic Plan.
What is the Strategic Plan?
This Strategic Plan emphasizes strong communities and networks, strengthening the systems of supports for children under age 6 and their families. It focuses on 4 areas: maternal/child health, early literacy, the prevention of child abuse and neglect, and oral health. Mini-grant recipients will become part of the First 5 Network- this will not be a stand-alone project. This work will be part of a larger effort to achieve positive outcomes for children and families. Mini-grant recipients are a part of the First 5 team!

What are the Limits to Funding?
A project may be funded only once per funding cycle for an amount up to $20,000. Mini-grant funds will be allocated in two rounds.
Round 1: $100,000 for the period early 2021 through June 30, 2022.
Round 2: $100,000 for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
How do I apply?
To Apply for Round 1:
Click the link below and please complete all questions.
Applications for Round 1 funding must be received by December 18, 2020 5PM
*Those who receive mini-grants will have to report at least one time to the Commission, detailing all expenditures (with receipts!) and describing the projects successes and challenges.

What is the Process?
Applications for Round 1 will be reviewed by a committee made up of First 5 Commissioners and community members, with staff support. Staff may follow up with applicants to clarify any questions they have. Then, applications will be forwarded to the Commission for consideration at its meeting on February 3, 2021.
At the Commission meeting, the process for reviewing and funding mini-grant applications will be the Red/Yellow/Green process used previously by the Commission:
1. Each commissioner indicates if they fully support the application as is (green), do not support it (red) or support with changes (yellow).
2. “Yellow” applications will be discussed as necessary and rescored by all Commissioners as either “red” or “green”.
3. Commissioners will each individually ran all “green” applications 1 to x. (x =total number of “green” applications)
4. Applications for Round 1 with the highest rankings from Commissioners will be funded until $100,000 are committed
As with any funding process, the Commission has the right to cancel a process, to not fully utilize all funds or to increase funding, based on the responsiveness of applications
For questions regarding this application please contact Karli Smith at Ksmith@placercoe.org or call her at 530-745-1413
Who Do I Contact with questions?